
\Kamakura Sightseeing/

We inform you about more detail of Kamakura Sightseeing!☆ Check it 📸!!!


5/22(Sun) 9:00〜17:00


①Oishii Kamakura (Delicious Kamakura)

→Komachi street (小町通り)and Kencho temple (建長寺)

②Daibutsu route (Budda route)

→Kamakura Daibutsu (鎌倉大仏) and Hase temple (長谷寺)

③Enoshima route (江ノ島 route)

→Enoshima  aquarium (江ノ島水族館) and Enoshima shrine (江ノ島神社)

④Bamboo, Macha and Shrine route (竹林、抹茶、神社 route)

→Houkoku temple (報国寺) and Egaraten shrine  (荏柄天神社)

*You can choose two of all courses above. Then, we will decide one course you can go  among them.

【Meeting place】

①8:50 at West entrance of JR or Keio line in Shinjuku Station 

*Don't be late because we gonna take Odakyu line departs at 9:11.

②10:20 at Fujisawa station 

【How much money you should have?💰

⚫︎You don't have to pay fee. However, you must pay for your lunch and transportation expenses by yourself.

Example ⏬

○About 1000~2000 yen for your lunch (depend on a person)

○About 2000 yen for transportation (depend on a person)

○About 1500〜2000 yen for admission fee(depend on a place)

【Application form】

For International students

click this URL & fill out the form, please!!!!⏬

※This URL is for international student. If you're a Meiji Japanese student, please don't click this.(こちらのURLは留学生用です。日本人学生の申し込みは上の日本語の案内をご参照ください。)


You can make cancellation until 3 days before this event (This means that you can do it until 5/19). If you do it after due date (except for your health problem), you may become to not be able to join our event since next time.

We appriciate for your understanding.


We are so excited to meet you guys!!

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